A-IOSHelper [Animax Helper]

This is a scaffold library and the aid of the project is providing all foundation functions for IOS developer to build app easier.
Stories in Ready Build Status

Project maintained by Animaxx Thanks mattgraham for original Theme


It provides a easy way to add and remove a blocking to UIControl event


Add On Click Event

[self.theButton A_Event_OnClick:^(id sender, id param) {
                setBackgroundColor:[UIColor A_ColorMakeFormString:@"ABABAB"]];
} WithObj:self];

Remove On Click Event

[self.theButton A_Event_RemoveClick];

Add an event

[self.theButton A_Event_Add:^(id sender) {
} forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDragEnter];

//If this event is going to change @property, you might need to add an object with the event.
[self.theButton A_Event_Add:^(id sender, id param) {
    [param.hiddenView A_Animation_FadeOut:0.3f];
} WithObj:self forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

Remove an event

[self.theButton A_Event_Remove:UIControlEventTouchDragEnter];

Request network asynchronously example

[A_AsyncHelper A_RunInBackground:^{
        _dic = [A_RESTRequest A_GetDictionary:@"www.yourwebservice.com/something"
            Parameters:@{@"key1":@"value", @"key2": @"value2"}
                @"Content-Type":@"application/json; charset=utf-8"}];
    } WhenDone:^{
            // Doing the display job